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Will the surgery help my dog?
March 19th 2015 @ 06:52 p.m. EET, Herzliyya, Israel.
"Will the surgery help my dog?"
The owner was concerned about some small growths around her dog's mouth. Her vet had recommended a minor operation to remove them, a procedure that would also greatly reduce the possibility of such growths recurring. The owner asked: "Will the surgery help my dog, and will she be safe?"
The dog is signified by Jupiter. The natural ruler of surgery is Mars, which in this chart happens also to signify the doctor who will help the owner get her pet back into good health.
What is going on in this chart?
The chart gives a clear picture of the problem with the Moon being just inside the 6th house, the house that signifies the dog. The Moon is the natural ruler of things that grow overnight, like mushrooms, so this would fit with these growths that have suddenly appeared on the dog’s face.
Will the surgery help the dog?
The position of the Moon (the growths in the dog's face) shows that Mars (the surgery) has power over it, and the position of Mars shows that the Moon doesn't have power over it. This is exactly what we want to see: a clear testimony that the surgery has power over the growths.
In addition to this, the placement of Mars is a good testimony that the surgery will benefit the dog. And most important, the next thing the Moon does is to come to the end of its cycle, as it conjuncts the Sun: this will be the end of those growths.
Mars, which also signifies the vet, is strongly dignified: the querent can be confident that the vet knows what he's doing.
Is there any danger with the surgery?
Venus is the ruler of both the radical and the turned 8 house, which signifies death. It is applying to aspect Jupiter (the dog), but this aspect is still very far away. If the chart wanted to tell us that this was something to worry about, it would have shown the aspect happening much, much sooner.
What happened?
As advised to the owner, she let her dog have the surgery. Everything turned out fine, with the dog making a quick and full recovery.