HORARY EXAMPLES has now been published!
This book is a collection of detailed explanations of horary judgements on a wide range of subjects, showing the remarkable accuracy and clarity of this branch of astrology. I was delighted that the editor, Dave Menconi, invited me to contribute judgements to this collection, together with my colleagues Fotini Christodoulou, Marcus Monteiro, Molly Morrissey and Kathryn Silvestre, and our teacher, John Frawley. This collection of judgements, with its step by step explanations, is a great tool for students of this craft, and fascinating reading for anyone interested in traditional astrology. It was first released as an e-book for Kindle* and is now available on paperback. For purchase from, click here.
* It isn't necessary to own a Kindle device to read it. All you need to do is to download the free Kindle app from the Amazon website. It works in desktops, tablets, smartphones, iPads, etc.
For further details, click here: