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Is my husband ok? Why is he not answering my phone calls? When is he going to come home? What can I do?

September 1st 2013 @ 02:15 p.m. EET, Herzliyya, Israel

"Is my husband ok? Why is he not answering my phone calls? When is he going to come home? What can I do?"


This client had had an argument with her husband 3 days earlier, and he left home. He wasn't answering his phone and she was very worried about him. Her question was "Is my husband fine, why is he not coming home, when will he come back home and what can I do to improve our relationship?"


The planet that signifies the client's husband in this chart is Mercury, which is in Virgo, one of the two signs it rules. This answers the first question: her husband is fine.


Why is he not answering the phone calls?

Mercury being in one of the signs it rules, shows that the husband is at the moment interested only in himself. He's not calling because of his pride. The client confirmed this, and said that he had left home once before.


When is he coming back home?

Mercury is now in an area close to the Sun which makes it "invisible": the husband cannot be seen. But in 3 degrees Mercury leaves this area of invisibility. This could give some contact with him.


What can the client and her husband do to improve their relationship?

We now know what the husband thinks. But what about the client? Jupiter, her significator, is in Cancer, a testimony that shows that she thinks she's great and should be treated in the best way ever.


Because this is a relationship question, it is important that we understand what the other significators of both partners are doing. The placement of Venus and the Sun, that signify her as a woman and him as man, show that they are disappointed with each other. Probably in wider man/woman terms than just what goes on in bed: both of them thinking that this isn't what a relationship is supposed to be like – and each of them thinking that it is the other one's fault that it is like that.

Both Venus and the Moon (which signify her feelings) are also in their own sign: she knows how beautiful she is and absolutely loves herself.


My answer to the client was that they both had to put the pride away, become more interested in each other, and stop thinking and acting as if they are the most wonderful thing, and that she should expect to have some kind of contact with her husband in about 3 hours.


What happened?

As advised, her husband came home about 3 hours later, they had a long talk which lead to another argument, and to her making him leave their home. During the next weeks and months they were not able to change their old behaviour, he came and left home a few more times until they decided to lead separate lives.



© 2025 by Leah Cuperman.

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